Are you dealing with alopecia? So am I!

And I know it sucks. And that it's tough. But I’m here to tell you that it can get better. I can teach you everything I know about hairloss topics like self worth, confidence, acceptance and identity - from a social psychologist and coaching standpoint, but also as a woman dealing with alopecia for over 20 years.

You don’t have to spend your life thinking about your hair, checking mirrors, brushes and counting hairs. You don’t have to always be afraid of what others will say or think about you. Hairloss doesn't have to define who you are and how you’re feeling.

It really can become a minor detail in your life.

Let me show you how.

If you are interested in knowing how I can support you through your hair loss journey, please click the link below. We’ll schedule a free 30 minute online call in which we can get to know each other and during which I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

During this free call, we can discuss how we could work towards you realising your goals through coaching and see if that would be a good fit for you at this time. If after the call you decide coaching would be a good fit, sessions will be scheduled and paperwork will be sent through email.

Coaching preferably takes place in Utrecht, but online is also possible.

1:1 Coaching is right for you

...when you feel like nobody in your surroundings truly comprehends what you're going through.

...when you're in search of a safe haven where you can openly share and express your emotions.

...when grappling with the emotional and mental effects of alopecia becomes a challenge.

...when accepting the situation feels like an uphill battle.

...when you sense that you're devoting excessive time and attention to your hair loss.

...when alopecia is holding you back from pursuing things you genuinely want to do.

...when you've set goals related to your alopecia journey and are seeking guidance to achieve them.

...when you're on the lookout for a certified professional coach who has a lot of personal experience with everything alopecia and alternative hair.

...when you desire conversations beyond alopecia, yet find comfort in knowing your coach understands and relates through shared experiences.

this is what Coaching looks like

We plan 7 sessions within a timespan of 4 months (7 x 90 minutes).

You’ll get a unique online workbook. The exercises in this book are tailor-made for you and your journey specifically. Also, you’ll get extra video- and audio visualisations to support you throughout our 4 months together.

If you choose this option, you will also able to reach me through e-mail in between our sessions, which many clients find very comforting and helpful (as many questions arise in between sessions)

The investment for 4 months of coaching is €1497 (ex VAT).

"For our next session, I'll be wearing my new hair - to try it out. Because if there's anyone who provides a safe setting, it's you."

"I would characterize Evelien's approach as professional yet approachable, with a sprinkle. I very much enjoyed the sessions. Additionally, I could tell that she possessed extensive knowledge of various coaching methods.”

"My journey with Evelien felt like coming home. It's so comforting to talk to someone to whom you don't have to explain your fears and frustrations about hair loss. Someone with whom you can simply vent, express your frustrations, and then gradually work on what you'd like to change in your life. Beyond her experience and knowledge about alopecia, Evelien is a down-to-earth, warm, and passionate professional."

A coach who truly gets it

As your coach, I'll be right there beside you throughout your journey. I’ll be your personal cheerleader and hype girl, supporting and encouraging though this tough time. Prepare for a coach that’s not afraid to guide you through rough patches, but will also always look for the positives and opportunities for learning and personal growth through this.

My coaching is tailored to women who are ready to make serious strides and refuse to let their lives be dictated by their (lack of) hair.

I hope you find yourself worthy of a coach who truly gets it on every level – because you don't have to face alopecia on your own ❤️